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Partnerships with Families

At St Dunstan’s Preschool, our practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with families and communities.

“We believe that every child should be supported within an inclusive environment wereby each child has a voice to be heard, has choices within their learning and time to explore and challenge their ideas,”... “Respecting that families are the primary influence in their children’s lives and are the child’s first and most influential educators” (Preschool Philosophy, 2018).

The Early Years Learning Framework also highlights the importance of working in partnership with families; “Children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support young children’s learning” (DEEWR, 2009, pg 9).

We, as educators, actively provide opportunities for families to build relationships with other families and with relevant community services. Our preschool actively builds on and maintains community partnerships that support and promote parenting and family well-being.

Children, families and educators actively demonstrate mutual partnerships in contributing to the cultural and individual inclusiveness of everyone in our preschool community to promote a strong sense of belonging.

We welcome family involvement within our curriculum in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to: kitchen duties, working bees, cooking experiences, craft, dance and birthday celebrations.

We have a strong transition process in place that involves our educators and families working in partnership with the assistance of community networks to achieve positive outcomes for children. Our families are supported by our educators in the process of meeting potential primary schools, with the vision to provide a smooth transition to school for each child.

© 2024 St Dunstan's Preschool.

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