St Dunstan's Preschool
Mural created for our preschool by Martin Watson, 2013
Our Philosophy
We believe that every child should be supported within an inclusive environment that is committed to embedding the child safe standards and in which each child’s rights are upheld, giving them a voice that is heard, choices within their learning and time to explore and challenge their ideas.
In relation to learning
We recognise and celebrate children’s current capabilities, embracing diverse learning styles within a fun and stimulating play-based learning environment, which promotes positive peer relationships. We provide an early years education which lays the foundation for children to become successful lifelong learners, and to reach their full potential.
In relation to families
We respect that families are the primary influence in their children’s lives and are the child’s first and most influential educators. We support authentic, reciprocal partnerships that are built on trust, communication and shared decision making and knowledge. Our preschool celebrates each family, their cultural and other identities, and languages, which make up our diverse community.
In relation to educators
We recognise that educators have a vital role in promoting excellence and equity ensuring that learning is based primarily upon an authentic relationship with the child and reflects best pedagogical practice. As educators, we see ourselves as lifelong learners which enables us to be advocates for children’s rights, matters affecting children and families, and early childhood education as a profession.
In relation to our community and environment
We are responsive to our diverse community and environmental issues. We will seek to actively use community networks to provide an extended learning environment for our children. By embedding this within our practice we believe this will foster a culturally safe, welcoming and secure environment for our people, communities and Dharug Country, with a focus on co-learning and sharing the history and richness of culture of the Wullamudegal People. We believe that together with a sense of belonging, the children experience a love of the land, nature and animals which are critical for developing lifelong respectful and proactive attitudes towards our environment and to promote a sustainable healthy and vibrant future.
In relation wellbeing
We are committed to supporting the overall health of children, educators and families by promoting the importance of positive mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.